BitFiSwap s.r.o. Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 18/11/2023

BitFiSwap s.r.o. ("We," "Our," or "Us") is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information we collect, how we use it, and the steps we take to ensure it remains confidential and secure.

By using our services, you consent to the data practices described in this policy. If you do not agree with our data practices, please do not use our services.

Data We Collect

Legal Basis for Processing
We process your personal data for various legal reasons, which include:

How We Use Your Data
We use the information we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Security Measures
We employ robust security measures, including data encryption, secure servers, and restricted data access.

Data Retention
We retain your personal data as required by law or for purposes for which it was collected.

Your Rights
You have rights under GDPR and local laws, including accessing, correcting, withdrawing consent, and deleting your data. Contact us at [Your Email Address] for these requests.

Data Transfers & Third-Party Services
Your data may be transferred outside the EU, but with safeguards. We do not sell or rent your information to third parties.

Cookies and Tracking
We use cookies to enhance user experience. Adjust your browser settings to decline cookies.

Changes to Policy & Complaints
We may update this policy. Contact us with questions or lodge complaints with a supervisory authority.

Contact Us
Address: Korunní 2569/108, Vinohrady, 101 00 Praha 10